Saturday, January 31, 2009
just a paint scratch
Last night was so boring I decided to go out. As I came back to the north from visiting Kevin, I decided to go put $2 for gas at Chevron. It was the dumbest idea ever. I scraped my dads van with the white pole near the gaspump. I didnt even see it! I was just out of it since I was super sick and had a major headache. The paint scratches were about a foot and a half long above the left back tire. Although there were no dents or major damages, I panicked and called my dad immediately. I called him and said, "Pick me up at Chevron because I hit-" he didnt even let me continue! he hung up so I waited for him. He came three minutes later assuming he drove there,but he actully ran! OMG ahaha I didnt think it was that a big of a deal, but I guess he thought I hit someone so he panicked. Thats what people get when you dont let them finish talking. So I explained everything and he was really relieved. We decided to go to Kragen and get a special product to remove the paint scratches. The worker was reaally nice he decided to help out remove the paint. Turns out one of the workers told me he thought I was cute aha but whatever. So we were all outside tryna remove the paint, and it finally did. The car looks back to what it was before with very tiny minor scratches, but it's fine you can hardly see them.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
random shmandom
The weather in Oxnard is just like a moody bitch on her period. In mornings it's cold so then it makes me think it's going to be cold throughout the whole day so I end up wearing warm-warm clothes, but then later in the afternoon it's like 80's outside. what the eff is up with that. It ruins my outfit plans on the real.
Anyways today was a typical day at school nothing special. After school was fun though. Kevin picked me up, and we cooked pancakes then played video games. He got mad at me because everytime the zombies would start eating me up he'd have to save me but he'd end up dying cuz the zombies start eating him up too so we just stopped. We got super hungry kinds so we went to Taco Bell and bought some nachoes and frutista. We're fucking fat. We went through the drive thru twice to get more nachos, but he knocked my nachos over and it spilled in the car. Afterwards, we got food coma and fell asleep in the Taco Bell parking lot.
OH! i finally found my green Volcom wallet! Thank you JT! It's been missing ever since Black Friday. I had been accusing the wrong people and searching at the wrong places when it had to be where I least expected it to be- American Apparel. It feels good to have my wallet back. Half of my life is in there.
Anyways today was a typical day at school nothing special. After school was fun though. Kevin picked me up, and we cooked pancakes then played video games. He got mad at me because everytime the zombies would start eating me up he'd have to save me but he'd end up dying cuz the zombies start eating him up too so we just stopped. We got super hungry kinds so we went to Taco Bell and bought some nachoes and frutista. We're fucking fat. We went through the drive thru twice to get more nachos, but he knocked my nachos over and it spilled in the car. Afterwards, we got food coma and fell asleep in the Taco Bell parking lot.
OH! i finally found my green Volcom wallet! Thank you JT! It's been missing ever since Black Friday. I had been accusing the wrong people and searching at the wrong places when it had to be where I least expected it to be- American Apparel. It feels good to have my wallet back. Half of my life is in there.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
it means vagina
"That man is rich whose pleasures are the cheapest. "
so true. I'm never satisfied. maybe thats why i'm broke. what can I say, Libra's enjoy the finer things in life.
speaking of being a Libra..
You are happy go lucky, a social butterfly, a diplomat and indecisive. It's almost as if you float through life and your popularity, glamor and generally kind, helpful and fun loving attitude brings you luck and leads you on your path through life. You do not like making decisions, you want a little of everything. You want everyone to be happy, never any arguments or problems and live happily ever after. In order to achieve peace, you stay with what you like and avoid what you don't.
Libra is represented by the scales. You will balance the pros and cons of everything, this is why you are so indecisive. You look at both sides of everything and you see that there is both good and bad, and instead of making a decision, you will sit on the fence.
You are deeply sensitive and you assume that other people are too. You hate rejection and you avoid rejecting anybody at all costs. You don't want to lose your fan base, yes, Libra you love to have followers.
You need to have a steady partner, either a boyfriend/girlfriend or a close friend that you spend every waking second with. You want to form a close relationship of sharing and trust, you want someone to share your emotions with. You will do everything to balance the relationship and make it work, it is sort of like your 'project'. Unfortunately, you are so attached that you will stay in an unhealthy relationship and try to make it work. Problems might arise again because you are a natural charmer, a natural flirt. You are the perfect companion for the right person.
Libra sign loves love and the finer things in life
You are the ultimate romantic. You love affection, even with your friends you hug them and give them gifts. You love to receive gifts too, you are very materialistic but not in the way that a Taurus is materialistic, you need your possessions because you love lavish surroundings, beauty and detail. You are happy when you surround yourself with pretty things. You treat your possessions like friends too, almost as if you were forming relationships with them. Libra is the sign of relationships, sharing and caring. Diplomatic, loving, kind and sentimental, you are optimistic and love to give attention as long as you get attention, once again, it's all about balance. Strike the perfect balance and live happily ever after.Face life head on, put yourself first and try not to be so indecisive and life will be smooth and happy like you want it to be!
-Henry David Thoreau
so true. I'm never satisfied. maybe thats why i'm broke. what can I say, Libra's enjoy the finer things in life.
speaking of being a Libra..
You are happy go lucky, a social butterfly, a diplomat and indecisive. It's almost as if you float through life and your popularity, glamor and generally kind, helpful and fun loving attitude brings you luck and leads you on your path through life. You do not like making decisions, you want a little of everything. You want everyone to be happy, never any arguments or problems and live happily ever after. In order to achieve peace, you stay with what you like and avoid what you don't.
Libra is represented by the scales. You will balance the pros and cons of everything, this is why you are so indecisive. You look at both sides of everything and you see that there is both good and bad, and instead of making a decision, you will sit on the fence.
You are deeply sensitive and you assume that other people are too. You hate rejection and you avoid rejecting anybody at all costs. You don't want to lose your fan base, yes, Libra you love to have followers.
You need to have a steady partner, either a boyfriend/girlfriend or a close friend that you spend every waking second with. You want to form a close relationship of sharing and trust, you want someone to share your emotions with. You will do everything to balance the relationship and make it work, it is sort of like your 'project'. Unfortunately, you are so attached that you will stay in an unhealthy relationship and try to make it work. Problems might arise again because you are a natural charmer, a natural flirt. You are the perfect companion for the right person.
Libra sign loves love and the finer things in life
You are the ultimate romantic. You love affection, even with your friends you hug them and give them gifts. You love to receive gifts too, you are very materialistic but not in the way that a Taurus is materialistic, you need your possessions because you love lavish surroundings, beauty and detail. You are happy when you surround yourself with pretty things. You treat your possessions like friends too, almost as if you were forming relationships with them. Libra is the sign of relationships, sharing and caring. Diplomatic, loving, kind and sentimental, you are optimistic and love to give attention as long as you get attention, once again, it's all about balance. Strike the perfect balance and live happily ever after.Face life head on, put yourself first and try not to be so indecisive and life will be smooth and happy like you want it to be!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
whispering eye
Dear fisheye, I miss you dearly. For all the memories that you helped me take. For all the pictures that you flashed for my keepsake. I miss you. I'm sorry for the scratches you got on your precious white skin. I promise I'll take care of you once you work again. We'll be best friends forever and I wont lose you never. I won't take you for granted because you know how much you mean to me.You were once a present, now my past but why cant you be the future to guide me though the path. Ill replace your batteries just to show flattery or maybe store you with film if thats not enough. But pleaaaase work again because I need your eye and even though, I hope you didn't say goodbye.
rest of the photos:

UGH I need to find a new job. Yesterday I came to Pacsun to pick up my check. I got a lousy paycheck. It was a "trip" though, LITERALLY. I tripped over the phone cord before i left and slid on the floor. It was sooo funny haha but I'm over it. I'm thinking about waitressing at a nice restaurant. Maybe I'll just wait until the new promenade opens. Anyways I need to stop spending money. I've learned that everytime I go out, I spend money; therefore, I shall stay home forever and save up because going out= $$$$ ughh. Whatever, I need to stop my bad shopping habits. Ive been currently shopping every single week. I don't want to end up saying, "Truelife, I'm a shopaholic" or hide from Rent-A-Center and get all my belongings taken away.
Today was tiring. I woke up early in the morning to get the car and go to Crowne Plaza to help set-up for Senior Ball. I took the freeway the 3rd time today. Although, it was rather scary. This putalady didn't even have enough space to merge into my lane because she was so close to me, and she still signaled so I got scared, and tried switching lanes, but then another car was right there, so the whole time I was going really fast I was swerving not knowing what to do. I was in between the two lanes kind of, but the other car cooperated-thank God or else I could have gotten in my first accident. The view at where Senior Ball is being held at is beautiful. Now that I'm at home bored out of my mind, I wish me and Kevz ended up going. I'm pretty sure we wouldve ended up having a blast, plus the after party at the penthouse. OH WELL! sadies and prom yo. After setting up, I was heading to the thriftstores down Main Street since I dont have money to shop now, but my key wouldnt come out of the ignition so I had to go to a random tire place and ask this guy to take it out for me. Afterwards, I continued my journey, and ended up just buying a belt for a dollar. For some odd reason tho, I get itchy every time i go into thrift stores.
Anyways! the movie Paul Blart:Mall Cop is hilarious. I recommend everyone to watch it.
Today was tiring. I woke up early in the morning to get the car and go to Crowne Plaza to help set-up for Senior Ball. I took the freeway the 3rd time today. Although, it was rather scary. This putalady didn't even have enough space to merge into my lane because she was so close to me, and she still signaled so I got scared, and tried switching lanes, but then another car was right there, so the whole time I was going really fast I was swerving not knowing what to do. I was in between the two lanes kind of, but the other car cooperated-thank God or else I could have gotten in my first accident. The view at where Senior Ball is being held at is beautiful. Now that I'm at home bored out of my mind, I wish me and Kevz ended up going. I'm pretty sure we wouldve ended up having a blast, plus the after party at the penthouse. OH WELL! sadies and prom yo. After setting up, I was heading to the thriftstores down Main Street since I dont have money to shop now, but my key wouldnt come out of the ignition so I had to go to a random tire place and ask this guy to take it out for me. Afterwards, I continued my journey, and ended up just buying a belt for a dollar. For some odd reason tho, I get itchy every time i go into thrift stores.
Anyways! the movie Paul Blart:Mall Cop is hilarious. I recommend everyone to watch it.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
new driver
I thought today was going to be a relaxing day since this whole week would be minimum day/no school, but it wasn't. Ive been driving around ALOT ever since I received my drivers license. Today my parents gave me the opportunity to have the car for the whole day, which was pretty suuuhweet. After school, I picked up kevbaby, and drove around looking for somewhere to eat. Finally, we ended up at Jack In the Box and ordered the Jumbo Deal. It's a pretty good deal with a meal consisting of 2 tacos, fries, and a jumbo jack burger(sourdough please). Afterwards, I drove us to Camarillo to buy my mom a fruitfillinged cake at BreadBasket- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MA! I basically spent all of my money today. I currently have $12 in my debit. How depressing. Anyways, as we were heading back home, Kevin insisted we take the freeway. As confident as I was in driving, I did. It wasn't bad at all. Surprisingly, I wasnt even nervous merging into the freeway. It felt like I was driving in the backroads of Camarillo because all the cars were going about 60 mph. The heat was so irritating today; even though, I managed to run a few errands. My plan for the whole day was, school, port hueneme, oxnard, camarillo, oxnard, port hueneme, oxnard, home. how EXHAUSTING!
goodnight world.
goodnight world.
Monday, January 19, 2009
happy birthday kevin

Dalai Lama
Good morning. I finally got my phone back to normal again! Covering your phone with rice really does work. Learn from the experienced.
Happy Birthday 18th Kevin Tanghal! I hope you pass you drivers test! Your fried wontons were delish!
toilet water
I dropped my phone in the toilet! I never thought I would ever come across a situation like that before. It started when I was in the process of pulling my pants down and then i here a loud "PLOK!". OH GEEEZ. My phone fell out of my back pocket. Without hesitation I plunged my hand into the toilet water and grabbed it out. Luckily, the toilet water was clean...hopefully. I quickly took out the battery and my sim card then I hurried to my laptop and searched up "what to do when dropped phone in toilet". I read that I'm not supposed to use a blow dryer, and to use a vacuum instead. So, I unscrewed all the parts on my phone then thoroughly vacuumed it. Afterwards, it told me to soak it in uncooked rice..WTF. So I did what it told me to do. I hope this method works. I have my fingers crossed.
Oh and my day was okay, kind of boring, but whatever. I bought my boyfriend cans and cans of hearty soup since he was sick, and I went to go visit him and heat him up some good ol' clam chowder soup, which was bomb by the way. It's pretty cool having to drive now.

Oh and my day was okay, kind of boring, but whatever. I bought my boyfriend cans and cans of hearty soup since he was sick, and I went to go visit him and heat him up some good ol' clam chowder soup, which was bomb by the way. It's pretty cool having to drive now.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
just because
I have finally received my drivers license in the mail. It came pretty fast! I'm not too happy with my picture. It looked decent when it was black and white on my permit, but with color- its sad.
Oh well! Other than that, I got my cool necklace from in the mail yesterday! its so huge! I kind of wanted the gold one, but oh well.

Oh well! Other than that, I got my cool necklace from in the mail yesterday! its so huge! I kind of wanted the gold one, but oh well.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
back to one
Im going to be blogging again. My first blog in years. Lets make this one long, and since Kevin told me to make an account, why not make this useful. I doubt anyone's really going to read this, but I actually like going through all the posts that I wrote years later, and see how my life was before. This whole weak has been a pretty darn good mess. It started out really stressful, but then everything just started pulling itself together.I'm so relieved Ive finished my research paper. It feels soo good to have all the weight off your shoulder. the after-effects of procrastination is such a bitch. Its funny how I'd tell myself never to procrastinate, yet I know I'm going to be doin it again in the future. Anyways, I need to be getting my grade up, I mos deff do not want to take Filar's class again. She needs to hurry up and put my research grade in. so far it's a 46%=F! but we'll see how I do by next week.
Yesterday, Kevin and I went to the homeless shelter to get our community service hours signed. I really don't mind serving at the Rescue Mission again tho. It makes me feel good that I'm doing a good deed. But anyways that would do my grade really good right now! Afterwards, I met up with Lisa, she was soo frusterated I was scared to ride in her car. She sped through downtown and honked at everything in her way. We almost rear-ended someone and the stuff in the back ended up in the front. I calmed her down by asking her if she wanted food-my treat! but I guess she said she was going to be fine. Fortunately, we made it at Thousand Oaks safe. We met up with all the homegirls, but they already finished their food, so Lisa and I ate everyones left overs because we didnt feel like spending money. Then we had some bombbb cheesecake. Our table was too loud I think the table right next to us were getting really annoyed because they didnt smile or talk to each other at all. It was really fun hanging out with HARMED. Everyone exchanged presents and I got cool stuff from renee and a lil sumsumm. Then these two old people came up to us and told us to quiet down next time. Grandpa was aaall mad. But then they said they were just joking, but whatever- they probably really werent. Lisa and I left the mall and went to the basketball game. It was a pretty intense game, unfortunately we lost, but its cool. Afterwards, we were all planning to meet up at Kevin's for a lil sumsum. Unfortunately, Lisa's car overheated and her oil was low. So we had to pull over somewhere. It felt like an adventure because I've never been in a situation like that with my friends. Im surprised Mariana knew wassup with Lisa's car. After Tamara and Kevin picked all our asses up we went to Kevins and just chilled in his backyard. It was pretty cool. Especially Mariana's farting stories. Anyways, his backyard is a nice place to look at stars, or maybe the sky was just really clear.
I wrote alot for my first blog, but I'm going to have to get ready for work and then Kevin's party after. Todays gonna be great! I can feel it inside my tummy.
Yesterday, Kevin and I went to the homeless shelter to get our community service hours signed. I really don't mind serving at the Rescue Mission again tho. It makes me feel good that I'm doing a good deed. But anyways that would do my grade really good right now! Afterwards, I met up with Lisa, she was soo frusterated I was scared to ride in her car. She sped through downtown and honked at everything in her way. We almost rear-ended someone and the stuff in the back ended up in the front. I calmed her down by asking her if she wanted food-my treat! but I guess she said she was going to be fine. Fortunately, we made it at Thousand Oaks safe. We met up with all the homegirls, but they already finished their food, so Lisa and I ate everyones left overs because we didnt feel like spending money. Then we had some bombbb cheesecake. Our table was too loud I think the table right next to us were getting really annoyed because they didnt smile or talk to each other at all. It was really fun hanging out with HARMED. Everyone exchanged presents and I got cool stuff from renee and a lil sumsumm. Then these two old people came up to us and told us to quiet down next time. Grandpa was aaall mad. But then they said they were just joking, but whatever- they probably really werent. Lisa and I left the mall and went to the basketball game. It was a pretty intense game, unfortunately we lost, but its cool. Afterwards, we were all planning to meet up at Kevin's for a lil sumsum. Unfortunately, Lisa's car overheated and her oil was low. So we had to pull over somewhere. It felt like an adventure because I've never been in a situation like that with my friends. Im surprised Mariana knew wassup with Lisa's car. After Tamara and Kevin picked all our asses up we went to Kevins and just chilled in his backyard. It was pretty cool. Especially Mariana's farting stories. Anyways, his backyard is a nice place to look at stars, or maybe the sky was just really clear.
I wrote alot for my first blog, but I'm going to have to get ready for work and then Kevin's party after. Todays gonna be great! I can feel it inside my tummy.
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