After my boyfriend dropped me off from Seabridge, Lisa and I didnt have anything to do, after the soccer game so we came over to Tinas house where Tina, Ashley and Tamara were watching HSM3. When the movie was over, we watched ABDC and decided to imitate the "long handed" magic trick. We decided to go out and do something because it was a Friday, so on our way out, there was this weird guy that popped out of nowhere. He was flirting with Tina trying to get her to suscribe to a magazine. I got it on camera. While I was recording all of this, and an idea popped up. I decided to make a documentary which would be episodes of our senior year. So I started recording throughout the whole night. We strolled to IN n Out, Jamba Juice, Colonia, then the Battle of the Bands to watch Nick and Juby perform. We waited for Nick's performance for 2 hours when he said he was coming up in 30 minutes well-SIKE. We felt out of place, it was weird, but we saw PHS alumnis, a big crowd of OHS kids, and a few of CI's kids. Juby gave us lyrics to sing along to the songthey made. I thought it was only us who were gonna sing along in the crowd, but surprisingly Nick's huge fanbase were singing too! It was cool, but too bad they didn't place, it was really good too. His girlfriend's voice reminds me of the band Meg and Dia. Anyways I finished Episode 1 of "Oxnard:The Real VC". I'm currently workign on it right now so hold your horses. If you're lucky, you can get a chance of being in the video. Here is the SNEAKPEAKPREVIEW:
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
not friday yet
Today was better than yesterday. School wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Every period was interesting. First period, piano was chill as usual, and this time I wasn't late. Inbetween first and second, I chilled at the Triton Talk studios, and I had my usual laughing moments here and there. Second, I had a good nap and watched a documentary about the secret service, which was pretty informative. Fourth, I went to the PAC with my english class and watched KNS. Jonathan and I managed to get free cd's, but I got the bootlegged ghetto version of the mothafuckin cd. It's whatevers tho cuz theyre whatevers. They need to chill with their blingblaang and outfits. Seriously, what is up with the rhinestones man. Anyways, fourth was chill as usual- just started making a boombox for Sadies. I'm excited for Sadies by the way. I think because picking an outfit for the pictures gets me excited. I like planning alot. When it comes to planning on going somewhere, I like to check out reviews, directions,pictures and alla that good stuff so I'm prepared. So back to the story, as I was leaving the campus, these two girls get caught ditching and one of the carts were chasing them, and they started running. It got intense cuz they were running and dodging the cars across Gonzales Rd. I dont know what happened to them stupidheads after. Theyre pretty thug for tryna dodge all the cars though. They almost got hit! After all the excitement, my boyfriend picked me up and we went to KFC then workedout our abs, ate, napped, and got ready for the talent show around 6. Hooray for emanon for winning best dance. Adrian and Mariana were pretty darn good being emcees.I couldnt get over the part when Adrian was trying to check if the mic was working and he was going, "tickle tickle.." My boyfriend likes Adrian (: no homo. he says he has a good character. I told him that Adrian has this good positive aura thats always inviting. Thats why I like being around optimistic people who are down for the filimexilackinese hood.
goodnight loves.

above is the imitation of the miranda cosgrove smileee!
goodnight loves.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Im getting fat by the minute! Not fat, just my abdomen.. Its not as hard as before. I remember I'd let people poke my stomach and I was proud and loud because it was pretty hard. Its not the same anymore. I want to start running at Griffith Park and take pictures while running just like the movie "Yes Man". I'm not really determined enough to start soon soon, but maybe later soon. I figured I'd look like this in the future if I didnt start now. Pretty gross right?!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
flying by
Perfect weather just always puts me into a great mood. I'm excited for tomorrow and Friday's weather because it's going to be much warmer than usual. It's about time! I don't have much warm clothes anyways. I'm excited for my paycheck because spring clothes are already in stores and that means colorful happy clothes!
Anyways, today was cool. After school, Kevin picked me up and we went to the 99cents store to grab some food so we could cook at his pad. Watched Step Brothers but fell asleep on half of it because we got food coma. We were supposed to run to the beach, but I guess we're doing that tomorrow. So then he dropped me off home, but I didnt want to stay home because I never get to hang out with my friends as much anymore so I took the opportunity to ask everyone what they were up to. I got super excited because Lisa was down to chill. I just love how she's down! I think I mentioned that already in another blog, but whatever-she really is tho. I love her company (: So we picked up Ashley and went to the mexican foodplace behind Mcdonald's. They have bombbb melon juice and free nacho salsas, but my boyfriend makes better melon juices and strawberry banana smoothies. yummm. Afterwards, we dropped off Ashley at her house, and Lisa and I just cruised around Oxnard trying to hit up people, but no one was down to chill. wackasses! We ended up at the new neighborhood right next to seabridge. I found a car that was a white Infiniti G20 for $1,900. It was decent! I called the number on the car, and the guy said it had 140kmiles on it already. I showed my dad after Lisa dropped me off home and after picking up Kristine. He wants me to pick a better nicer looking car. My mom wasnt down for the car because she doesnt want me calling triple A everyday if I end up buying it.
Anyways, today was cool. After school, Kevin picked me up and we went to the 99cents store to grab some food so we could cook at his pad. Watched Step Brothers but fell asleep on half of it because we got food coma. We were supposed to run to the beach, but I guess we're doing that tomorrow. So then he dropped me off home, but I didnt want to stay home because I never get to hang out with my friends as much anymore so I took the opportunity to ask everyone what they were up to. I got super excited because Lisa was down to chill. I just love how she's down! I think I mentioned that already in another blog, but whatever-she really is tho. I love her company (: So we picked up Ashley and went to the mexican foodplace behind Mcdonald's. They have bombbb melon juice and free nacho salsas, but my boyfriend makes better melon juices and strawberry banana smoothies. yummm. Afterwards, we dropped off Ashley at her house, and Lisa and I just cruised around Oxnard trying to hit up people, but no one was down to chill. wackasses! We ended up at the new neighborhood right next to seabridge. I found a car that was a white Infiniti G20 for $1,900. It was decent! I called the number on the car, and the guy said it had 140kmiles on it already. I showed my dad after Lisa dropped me off home and after picking up Kristine. He wants me to pick a better nicer looking car. My mom wasnt down for the car because she doesnt want me calling triple A everyday if I end up buying it.
sweet tart
I hate waiting. I thought I was patient, but I guess I'm not when it comes to my boyfriend. He left at 12am. because his friend from Fresno wanted to chill before he'd go back to Fresno. Like who the fuck chills at midnight, why cant you chill in the daytime instead. I on the other hand, didnt want him to go because I barely just called him, and all of a sudden he leaves. It's weird not talking to him on the phone at night. I can't sleep right because I tend to worry. I worry about all sorts of stuff, but I trust him. I just get scared because I tend to think of the 'what ifs' and I want him to come home safe. Anyways I told him I'd wait for him. I actually waited while talking to Dan on AIM for awhile. It was 2:30a.m. -still waiting. I knocked out and received a text in the morning saying he sleptover. UGH, I waited for nothing basically, and I overslept! I was late for first period again. As time flew by, I found 10 bucks in my pocket which made my day! Only for a little bit though because I ended up losing the money at lunch. I got mad because Kevin never picked me up at school, and I was expecting him to be there at the parking lot at lunch, but I guess he was still at his friends house. I feel selfish and expect too much from him sometimes. Does that make me a bad girlfriend? I know I cant depend on someone on making me happy because if I'm not happy and the other person isnt, that its a sad story. I dont know, but when we first started going out, it was worse. I didnt know how to be a girlfriend and I was super shy. I didnt know how to show affection towards a guy and I always thought he read my mind. But i guess not, guys arent psychic after all, but neither are girls! I always waited for him to come to me, and I guess he was always waiting for me to come to him which wasnt good at all because it led to big fights, misunderstandings and him doubting that I like him. I really did though! I'm just surprised he never gave up on me like other guys. He actually put up with me because with other past guys, they were all the same-I guess working it out wasnt in their books. He taught me how to be a better person and girlfriend as well. I'm still trying to be the best girlfriend, but it takes alot of learning from mistakes, and believe me, Ive had a bunches. I'm sorry, I'm not perfect, but all I have to offer is this type love is hope that I make him feel as good as he makes me feel, like believing that him being in my life makes me a better person type love.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Unfortunately, snow day got canceled because of the dumb weather. They closed off a few roads nearby Frazier Park, and none of my friends have tire chains for their cars. So instead, my cousin took me to the mall because she has a $223 gift card from Abercrombie. I dont know how or why but my uncle's boss can give you a $200 giftcard for a benjamin. Dont ask because idk how.Almost each individual in my whole family has at least a hundred dollars giftcard from A&F. Its so weird. I guess It's a family thing. We all go to the mall together sometimes and just use up giftcards from Abercrombie. Anyways, Kristine got me a few clothes. Im such a lucky cousin! Afterwards, we got hungry so we went to Great Wall Mongolian BBQ. If you ever think about eating there, bring me because I can pack a bowl real good! That sounds like something else, haha but really, i can! I can fill up three foamtrays out of one smallass bowl. I learned from the people in line packing their bowl. All it takes is organizing and flattening out your meats.
So the talent show auditions are coming up, and Aly wants me to sing with her. I'm hesitant about it because I cant really sing as well as her and I dont wanna crack or make a fool out of myself how bad I can sing. Recently, Jesus asked me to sing backup vocals for him too! So maybe I just really need to practice because the talent show is next week!
So the talent show auditions are coming up, and Aly wants me to sing with her. I'm hesitant about it because I cant really sing as well as her and I dont wanna crack or make a fool out of myself how bad I can sing. Recently, Jesus asked me to sing backup vocals for him too! So maybe I just really need to practice because the talent show is next week!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
four day good life
The past days have been so much fun! Tamara's party was banginnn. Ive havent partied ever since New Year's Eve. Valentine's day with kbaby just for a little bit was sweet too. He took me out for sushi at Sushi Planet before work. The Oh My God Roll and Hole In One Roll was delissshh. I didnt wanna go to work, but sometimes you just gotta get that casshh money. I barely get hours anyways, so whatevers. But Shawn told Kevin and I last night that we were going to get more hours at Pacsun. Thats in April tho. Thing is, I dont even know if I'm still gonna be working there. Good news by the way! My dad told me he's getting me a car around April-June. Im excited because it sucks borrowing instead of having your own. Also, Im super duper excited for tomorrow! Its gonna be a fun-filled snow day at Frazier Park. (:

Friday, February 13, 2009
been great.
life has been treatin me pretty good lately. I'm thankful for getting away from all the stressin lately. It's like everything has turned around in one day, and my life all of a sudden is soo good. Anyways, after venting out my feelings last week, Ive made huge progress. Ive been hanging out with my frineds recently and its definitely the good life. Im so much happier. Today was so fun-filled! After easy-ass school, Kbaby picked me up and we watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Oddly, my boyfriend and I were drooling on how pretty Mila Kunis was ahaha she looks way prettier in the movie than on "That 70's Show". Afterwards we ate Mcdonald's and Lisa picked me up to go to Mistine's house to "practice" singing for the talent show-which im doubting will happen because Aly always changes her mind last minute. Mistine had bombb pineapple by the way. After Josh and Renee left Mistine's pad, Aly, Lisa, Mistine, and I had our bonding time. It was cute. We were bobbing our heads and dancing on the couch while singing to random songs on Mistines ipod with her $5 Camp Rock speakers. We got so into all the songs that we ended up migrating to the garage and recording ourselves dancing to old Emanon sections. Since Mistine had work, Aly decided to take her, so we all left and Lisa and I rolled to Baskin Robbins then to ASB set up for the Valentines Dance. I gotta admit. It was soo much fun! Too much happened so I'll just leave everyone curious AHAHA lik e anyone cares anyways. Jamba Juice was being served in the lobby, and that shiiz was so damn good esp. cuz it was really hot inside the gym. After the adventure of Lisa and I, we grabbed a bite to eat at In n Out and saw random ass people, and madd cops. I saw about 10 cops tonight and they were all in bunches. Look out for cops tomorrow! Gosh I just love Lisa shes always so down for anythinng. We had such a great time tonight despite the fact that last night was definitely not good.but anyyyways Im super exhausted so ill stop here. gooodnight!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
stressin, depressin
"You can ruin the present by worrying about the future"
Whatever happened to the positive optimistic Hayle. Recently, Ive been hating myself for stressing out on stupid things. I have no clue why. I guess I'm just afraid of the future. Im afraid of the world ending soon, and I hope it doesnt. Thinking about it gets in the way of alot of things. It makes me think alot. If the world ends then what about all the goals I planned to in life. I want to accomplish everything I dream of before I die. I don't know why Ive been thinking this way lately. I really hate it. Its like I'm scaring myself but I try so hard not to. I recently scared myself more because my mom had a falling teeth dream. Its a superstition of somethin bad happening to someone, a family member or close friend will become very ill or pass away and that really scared the fuck out of me. I stressed myself out that whole day so much, I started smelling cigarettes out of nowhere. I was seriously tripping out. I read online smelling something like that was a sign of anxiety and stress. It stopped once I got to work. Even car rides get me nervous now- not even car rides, but going out gets me nervous. Im seriously being too cautious. And just today, Joseph told me he had a teeth dream. This is really starting to freak me out. and when I dont have shit to do at home I tend to think of death and I dont want to. I really need to stop thinking about all this nonsense. I need friends. Its sad, I feel like I dont anymore. I dont even go out or do shit because no one ever calls or texts me anymore. siiggh I just need someone to talk to really. Someone who can break my daily routine. I really miss being busy and having plans everyday of my life, unfortunately i dont anymore. I wish I could be busy so then I wouldnt have to be thinking of death all the time.
Whatever happened to the positive optimistic Hayle. Recently, Ive been hating myself for stressing out on stupid things. I have no clue why. I guess I'm just afraid of the future. Im afraid of the world ending soon, and I hope it doesnt. Thinking about it gets in the way of alot of things. It makes me think alot. If the world ends then what about all the goals I planned to in life. I want to accomplish everything I dream of before I die. I don't know why Ive been thinking this way lately. I really hate it. Its like I'm scaring myself but I try so hard not to. I recently scared myself more because my mom had a falling teeth dream. Its a superstition of somethin bad happening to someone, a family member or close friend will become very ill or pass away and that really scared the fuck out of me. I stressed myself out that whole day so much, I started smelling cigarettes out of nowhere. I was seriously tripping out. I read online smelling something like that was a sign of anxiety and stress. It stopped once I got to work. Even car rides get me nervous now- not even car rides, but going out gets me nervous. Im seriously being too cautious. And just today, Joseph told me he had a teeth dream. This is really starting to freak me out. and when I dont have shit to do at home I tend to think of death and I dont want to. I really need to stop thinking about all this nonsense. I need friends. Its sad, I feel like I dont anymore. I dont even go out or do shit because no one ever calls or texts me anymore. siiggh I just need someone to talk to really. Someone who can break my daily routine. I really miss being busy and having plans everyday of my life, unfortunately i dont anymore. I wish I could be busy so then I wouldnt have to be thinking of death all the time.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
back to dancing
I was looking through a few old pictures from last year, and boyy do I miss dancing. I kind of want to dance again. Actually not kinda, but I do. I just don't want to go back into Emanon anymore since I'll be graduating soon and besides, all the Undeclared alumni's took over and theres only a few Emanon OGs remaining. Seeing my friends making it into Mavyn Marvels makes me wanna try outt. AAAH, I prolly suckk alottt now. I need training again. Anyways, I plan on joining a collegiate team once I graduate. Im kind of intimidated and scared because Ive havent danced in awhile. Ugh, I need to start getting into it again tho. I miss all the comps. I miss going to practice all the time even though I hated going to practice and not doing shit. I miss learning new routines. I miss dancing everywhere because all the choreo that was taught would always get stuck in your head- now, i dont even remember the choreo to alot of the songs I learned over the past two years Ive been dancing. I miss those hardcore 15 hour practices from 7 in the morning till 10 at night shit. I miss the adrenaline of performing and hoping not to mess up because everyone depends on everyone to do well.
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