Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I ended up staying home again. It was a good choice because I am still terribly sick. I don't want to share my cooties with ya'll. Although, I'm so behind in English. Even though I have an A in that class, I've havent done any of my "Color of Water" assignments. How bad am I. I should start soon because it's due tomorrow, but my body is so weak and needs all the energy for me to recover. My eyes burn frequently, my nose has been running a marathon, I can't taste which means I lose my appetite alot, and I've been coughing non-stop. UGH. Thankfully, my parents have been taking care of me alot.

Today was okay. I got to see my boyfriend and he got me some good ol' cough drops. After he dropped me off home, I felt like I didn't have a life. Surprisingly! Lisa and Ashley surprised me by coming over and bringing me some yummy chicken noodle soup and oyster crackers. bombbb you know it. Ugh, I miss my friends. I think that was the highlight of my day. I felt so special (: I like surprises. Come visit me and surprise me sometime!



1 comment:

  1. Awee, how nice of Lishley!
    I was gonna put "Assa" at first. BUT, I realized there's a lot of possibility with those two names. There's: Lisashley, Ashlisa, Ashleysa...Well, the possibilites are endless.
