Saturday, June 6, 2009
-pass my english class
-hang out with old friends
-pay my parking ticket
-catch up with diane and renee
-get the vanessa hudgens sandals
-finally drive to the valley
-get my graduation/gradnight outfit
Need to do's
-get a trim/ re-layer hair
-buy a yearbook
-pass out visual pictures
-yearbook inserts
I feel really good about this.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
This is just the beginning
5 more until ASB Banquet
2 more Triton Talk shows left
7 days of actual "school" left
10 school days left til GRADNITE
12 school days until graduation-
It was just like last week when everyone was excited to go to Senior Sunrise and officially be a big person on campus. And it was just like yesterday when everyone was excited for prom, but all of that has passed by.
to pacifica seniors, this might be the last time where we will catch each others eyes, and embrace each other while time ticks.
Don't wait till highschool reunion to say what you have to say, do what you gotta do, meet who you wanna meet. Time is giving everyone a chance to do this now.
Honestly, I'm scared of the future As I get closer and closer to actually "growing up" I don't want to. I want time to take everything slow because I need to cherish every second of this. Every second that I'm in high school, so I can look back and tell myself I left a good ass mother fucking footprint at Pacifica because FORSURE i hella lived this year up.
Who will I lose touch with and who will be willing enough to keep in touch with? Whos gonna be there through tough and goodtimes? I honestly, dont know. Everyone's going to be leaving. It makes me sad thinking about it because I know it's not going to be the same. The rest of my friends are moving out of this bubble, and the others are staying. Which friends are going to come visit me back in Oxnard and say. "I miss you HAYLE of course I didnt forget about you- lets catch up!" It better be every single one of you ahaha dont forget about me putooohs. All of you guys make sure you have a webcam so we can have group webcam chatting!
I'm gonna go do my makeup work now so i can actually graduate (:
Thursday, May 7, 2009
deals deals deals
I love how Im getting my paycheck today!
I love how mothers day is coming up and im excited to get her something because i love giving people presents and making people happy (:
I love how antojitos mini icecreams are just 50cents each!
I love deals!
Anyways enough of the love. How about I'm getting a car soon! My dad told me my budget is 6 grand. whooot! Im looking into getting either an audi, bmw, mitsubishi, acura, mazda or a volkswagon.
meaning..ROADTRIP during the summer! :D
i need some sleep -_- 7pm-430am at esprit tomorrow
Monday, May 4, 2009
a few laughs
RT @Portnik#jokes A girl phoned me and said...Come on over there's nobody home. I went over... Nobody was home! FML(via @zedomaxbiz)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
prom 2009
The day started out pretty bumpy because I hit a car in the school parking lot. I was in a rush because kevin and his parents were waiting for me to get there and i hate people waiting for me. BUT luckily! I only hit their car with my tire so there werent any bumps or scratches. The scary part was there were people chilling in the car and I was hoping they didn't notice but of course they did, but they were nice so it was all good. I couldnt stop shaking afterwards.
The end of the morning, we all chilled at jesus house and then I ended up knocking out in the car with kevin and took him home at 5 in the morning.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Im excited for prom now! I just dont know who's going to end up doing my hair since the hair stylist that was supposed to do it cant anymore =|
Stupid people today killed my mood. They charged me $125 to get my dress altered. serious? wow. Thats crossing the line. The guy told me he would call me yesterday or today to tell me how much the alterations would cost, but instead they already finished the dress. UGH. At least, my boyfriends mom argued with them over the phone. Now I only have to pay 100 BUT STILL! my dress was 165. I told my dad tonight and suprisingly, he was being positive and didnt throw a fit. "at least you saved $25!"
to make this entry a little interesting,
Today, I forgot my inhaler. I had an asthma attack and had to go to the ER. The doctors told me it wasn't an asthma attack. It was just a panic attack from worrying about whether I would get an asthma attack. FML
heres a link for ya!
Your personality shows through handwriting
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I never finish..
Im going to have to stick with the pink/coral dress I bought, I dont have enough money to buy a new one after all.. and I dont plan on asking my parents for money- BUT I LOOK LIKE A CAN! -_- it still needs to be tightened.
other than that, I'm basically ready for prom!
I cant wait till my next paycheck. I need a new camera, some true religions and these sandals are indeed THE SHIT.
I just love love love the way vanessa hudgens dresses.
Anyways! today was super random. lisa, kevin, ashley, and ubaldo picked me up out of the blue and went to Antojitos. OMG bomb cheap icecream. I'm planning on visiting soon. Afterwards, we went to Dominos and grabbed free pasta breadbowls and ate it at the park. It was a nice day today. I love how I don't have to go to school. 5 more weeks til graduation!
stay swineflu free and sanitize your hands on the regularly!
Friday, April 17, 2009
the18 mile hike
imagine how much calories we burned! O_O
Photo credits to Daniel Jordan Carrasquillo
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Spring Break Day 7
Sunday, April 12, 2009
spring break day 4
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Spring Break Day 1
No school for me tomorrow! Spring break day 2 tomorrow will be spent with my coworkers for a jobtraining at the Santa Monica Promenade! I'm excited!Too bad Kfeds goin to miss out! I have a feeling I'm going to end up splurging my money on food-not clothes, but FOOD. I need to stop being a fatass sometimes. fack fack fack. we'll see what happens haha
oooooo's only ;D
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
xoxo hayle
Monday, April 6, 2009
Didnt think I had a chance.
2 years and 2 monthssss anniversary <3 aaah we took Chiko to the Santa Monica Promenade and had dinner at Yangtze. Went into Esprit for the first time! Gosh, they have clothes that I would wear. The florals, boots, cardigans, scarves, gladiators- it has that bohemian chic vibe to it 'cept Im not into those long white flowy skirts that are half dyed.. Their men's section is pretty cool too, but I'm guessing the whole store's theme was "Spring purple" the men and womens were mostly purple. Cant wait to work there next week!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
last day at pac
Another incident that was annoying- actually it was creepy.. at Pacsun today, this black guy comes in with his 10 year old son, checking me out asking if I was an actress because he thought I was Brenda Song. Oookkay.. so then! he asks for my autograph ALONG with my number. hell to the no. Then these three mexicans that were in the military who just got back from Iraq(I know because they come in every weekend to visit or buy or whatever) over heard our Brenda Song conversation and startin butting in saying that I kinda do look like her a little. but whatever! Just cuz shes asian and has a round face-soo whaaat. Anyways these three guys I guess went off and waited for me to finish talking to the black guy. The black guy started talking to me about how he met Brenda Song, how he teaches martial arts and if I wanted to learn, and how people thought he looked like some celebrity. I couldn't even understand what he was saying cuz he was so ghetto. I understand ghetto talk, but this was REAL ghetto with the slurring. Thank goodness he finally left after I didn't want to give away my number. So then the three guys approached me saying"Hey Hayle!" They come to Pacsun so much, they already remember me and know my name. I felt like asking their names because they knew mine. One was Oscar, who looked like a 5'3 Frankie J, and the other was Chris. They started to ask me what I was doing tomorrow, and iniviting me to a car show at the fair. The whole time they were there, they were just talking to me. Then Chris asks me if I was engaged, I said no because I'm only 17, and theyre were like" OMG we thought you were 24!" WOW! Afterwards, they stopped trying to hit on me and left.
An hour later, the black guy with the kid comes in again! This was interesting. When the guy left, I told everyone what happened so everyone knew who he was and what was up with him trying to hit on me. He approaches me and takes out a business card. He's started telling me his store was "overseas" It took me so long to figure out he was saying"overseas" instead of "OC." He was ghettoslurring! My manager sent me to the back for a bit and wait till he leaves. Few minutes later, I came out and he was still there! He started talking to me asking why I'm making him leave. Shawn, the manager approached him asking him to leave since he was disrupting me, and I wasn't on my break. That was the end of it.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
new member in the family
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Kevin and I got a dog! Its soo cute. Well, its a chihuahua- common i know, but hey he found it on the streets. We were thinking of naming it Tupac since Mistine and J.T. (formally Kimmi and Brandon's dog) have a chihuahua named Biggie. We called him Tupac the whole day, but I think we've made a final decision with the name Chiko. He follows Kevin everywhere he goes, he doesn't bark or bite, he just licks and naps on his lap. This is the first time Ive seen my boyfriend all loveydovey with the dog. He was talking to it saying
"Youre going to be my companion forever, and youre never leaving my side" OMG i felt replaced for a second haha. Well, Kevin couldnt take care of it because he had to play basketball so I took it home 'til he picked it up. It was so cute, Chiko sat on my lap the whole time I was driving home. When I brought it home, he immediately went up to everyone and expected to get petted. It followed me everywhere around the house, and when I'd leave him alone, it'd start whimpering. When I had to give it back, it was looking at me through the car window while I was walking away, and it started whimpering and gave the sad puppy face. I miss Chiko already, but i'll be seeing him tomorrow. That reminds me, I need to take him shopping for clothes ;D He needs to rock some cuuute ass gear asap.
BTW! Taco Tuesdays. 10 tacos for $4! Sweeeet deal! After Del Taco, Phoebe, Kristine and I went to Chik-fil-a to get the strawberry peppermint and chocolate bits shake. Its so good!! and make sure to try the Chik-fil-a sauce with the fries. LOVE IT!
Apparently, she wanted to make the hallway appear that it had snow in it, so she decided to use a fire extinguisher (this is something that her dad has successfully done in the past). Instead of there just being a "little poof", the entire hallway filled with chemicals that caused the fire alarm to go off in the middle of the night during finals week.
Now this is her in the car upset that everyone at Alpha Chi (the sorority she wants to be in and presumably those who live where the fire alarm went off) hates her. She explains how she isn't a bad person and it was just an accident.
Monday, March 30, 2009
I got hired at Esprit (: finally I get the higher wage I deserve
BUT i just wish that kevin and Lindsey get hired already because it's like eating a pb&j sammich without the PB& J. It's just not as complete andd fun yennoe.
my mother let me drive her car to work today finally. She needs to trust me more with my driving. Seriously.
I put in my one week notice at Pacsun. I was scared my manager Shawn was going to get mad or do something to me because I was leaving, but he said he supported me cuz he can't give me a raise or promote me to sales lead 'til October.
I think I made a good choice.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Rock'n Fish
Saturday, March 21, 2009
i'm off to work. To actually get my grind on and save it.
Friday, March 20, 2009
So off we went to the Northridge Mall where the closest Wet Seal was. I was nervous when I gave it to the associates. They were nice so it's all good, but I felt like I was the only one who entered because the girl I gave the entry to looked like she was unsure on what to do with it, but she ended up calling the manager. The guy told me I'd find out March 27th who wins. Good luck to me, but I really don't know how big my chances are of winning.
I got my paycheck today. A mere $88 summ bucks. I cant wait till my next paycheck! I get alot more hours than usual. Although, today i spent half of it already on Jollibee. I spent about $20 again at Jollibee just for feeding kevin and I. It was so satisfying though.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
wish me luck
Monday, March 16, 2009
given up
truth hurts.
but its not what you think it is.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
F*** My Life
"Today, I had drunk sex with a girl that I barely know. I didn't have a condom and was nervous about getting her pregnant, but she assured me that I could pull out. Right when I was about to pull out, she wrapped her legs around me and yelled, "Be my baby's daddy!" I couldn't get out in time. FML"
"Today, I found out I won a 20 000 or 30 000 dollar scholarship. After celebrating with my family by jumping around the room for a half-hour, we realized it was addressed to someone else with the same last name. When we called to tell her, she said it was weird because she had received my rejection letter. FML"
"Today, I was sitting in class and I fell asleep during the lesson. I was wearing sweatpants and had an erection. My teacher came up to me and grabbed my penis. She thought it was my phone. FML"
"Today, I went to the movies with some girlfriends. The guy behind us was making these pervy, heavy breathing noises, so we threw some popcorn at him. When the movie finished, we saw him in a wheelchair - with a breathing tube sticking out of his neck. FML"
"Today, I forgot to do my French homework, but since it was an online worksheet, I told my teacher my internet wasn't working. I told her with an e-mail. FML"p.s. thanks for the website kfed
Saturday, March 14, 2009
just trust
What can I say, it was fun. The DJ never listens. He didn't put in alot of the songs people requested there was a loonggg list of songs we wanted him to play, and we said not alot of old school, yet he does the opposite. He played old school throughout the whole dance, and alot of Beyonce and techno. Afterwards, the hotel party went downwards toward the end, and Dan is stupid for saying people got arrested. And that's how you start rumors. On the brighter note, my boyfriend likes my friends (:
The following morning, I thought I was going to wake up with a big headache. suprisingly, i woke up feeling mm mm good. Work was fun. I had something to do throughout my whole shift. Getting people to spend $40+ was a fun challenge. I had to give out at least 50 Pacloots. If you spend 40 bucks+ you get a pacloot and its a $25 off coupon that you use when you spend at least $50. and I got all into it and ending up giving out 66 Pacloots! I asked if I could have my own pizza party haha, but my manager said I get something better. Hopefully he keeps his word! Good news too! I'm getting more hours.
My dad and I have gotten close ever since I've gotten my permit. We hang out more than my mom now. My mom doesn't trust me with driving yet. She's a lame foo. I hardly talk to her nowadays, but on random occasions I tell her what's up with my life, she never asks, but I just tell her like it is. It's weird when my dad sees his friend or coworker, and he ALWAYS has to introduce me to them, I feel like he shows me off like a trophy or prize. For example, I went to pick him up at a party today, and he told me to come down so I could meet all his friends. I kind of didn't want to, but I was hungry. There was this one lady who he calls his "best friend", and she made me feel comfortable, and she even stayed with me and sang karaoke throughout the whole night. Anyways, my dad said my face looks like I'm a kind person. I've never heard him say anything like that -EVER . It was weird. Maybe it's just his "drunk talkin"
This was long.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
all set.
The $63 bucks have finally gone into my account from Netflix! What a relief. Just in time for Sadies. Now i have money to eat and get fat and shopshopshop. Anyways, I went cheap and bought my Sadies outfit at T-shirt Warehouse. I did a little sum'summ to the orange and gray shirt though since it was lookin a lil plain.

I have an ashy weenis. I did kiara's shirt too. I made it into a halter with Soledad's help, but I don't have the picture.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Caption here.
- I made a new email address
-I'm staying at Pacsun.
-I'm really into video messaging with my phone. If you're lucky you'll get a randomass video message from me. ITS THE THING TO DO!
-Netflix took away $63 out of my bank account. I am currently broke.
-I overdrafted 99 cents for the first time. STUPID NETFLIX.
-I dont know if I'll be able to go to Sadies because again-I am currently broke. Im still waiting to receive my $63 back since I returned the dvds already.
-I'm nervous hosting the sadies rally because it's a tough crowd
-I need to make a new CD. I'm getting tired of my CDs that I play in the car. If you're nice enough make me a mixed cd! <3
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Lisa's boyfriend
I could watch :13 over and over again. Hes so bad, yet he gets 4/5 stars on youtube, and at least 293,000 views. So jealous.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Tonight, I had a talk with Sheri about a job at Esprit, but I'm hesitant on applying because I don't want to end up quitting again like Carters because of the environment or because I don't like the clothes. I had a talk with K-fed (I'm gonna type Kevin Tanghal's name as K-fed now because it mixes up with my boyfriend's and his name) about getting jobs, and he definitley had good points. It's making me think alot. I only have such little time to turn in my resume, but i dont know whether it's going to be the right decision. This is going to be hard...
PS. I was super early to first period today! Instead of being the usual late student always walkin-in, I was the 2nd person to come into class. It was weird because no one was really there except for this random guy, but oh well! I'm making a good change for myself (:
goodnight xoxo
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Senior Ditch Day I
goodnight xoxo
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Today was okay. I got to see my boyfriend and he got me some good ol' cough drops. After he dropped me off home, I felt like I didn't have a life. Surprisingly! Lisa and Ashley surprised me by coming over and bringing me some yummy chicken noodle soup and oyster crackers. bombbb you know it. Ugh, I miss my friends. I think that was the highlight of my day. I felt so special (: I like surprises. Come visit me and surprise me sometime!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sunday, I woke up feeling like crap. I had phlegm in my throat. I hate coughing up phlegm because I always have to walk over to the nearest trash can to spit it out. Yuck. I knew I got sick from last night because my bare back was turned to the open door, and it was freezing. My family woke me up telling me to get ready because we were going to go out to have lunch with my other relatives.My uncle let me drive, but soon enough when my mom found out I was driving, she got out of the car and preferred to use her own car instead. She gets so nervous that she doesnt even trust my driving. There were 17 of us, and we ended up going to Hometown Buffet. I lost my appetite because I wasnt feeling too well. I started shivering nonstop and found out I had a fever. I stayed home while everyone went to the mall. My mom came home with a few stuff for me. I had to call in sick at Pacsun because I wouldnt be able to work well. Luckily, I didnt hallucinate this time. When I was younger, I'd start hallucinating, and feel like the walls were moving, and it seemed like everyone was yelling at me.
I didn't go to school today because I still feel like crap. This morning, i kept on burping non stop and threw up a couple of times. I still don't feel well, but hopefully tomorrow will be a better brighter day.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Oxnard the real vc
Thursday, February 26, 2009
not friday yet
goodnight loves.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
flying by
Anyways, today was cool. After school, Kevin picked me up and we went to the 99cents store to grab some food so we could cook at his pad. Watched Step Brothers but fell asleep on half of it because we got food coma. We were supposed to run to the beach, but I guess we're doing that tomorrow. So then he dropped me off home, but I didnt want to stay home because I never get to hang out with my friends as much anymore so I took the opportunity to ask everyone what they were up to. I got super excited because Lisa was down to chill. I just love how she's down! I think I mentioned that already in another blog, but whatever-she really is tho. I love her company (: So we picked up Ashley and went to the mexican foodplace behind Mcdonald's. They have bombbb melon juice and free nacho salsas, but my boyfriend makes better melon juices and strawberry banana smoothies. yummm. Afterwards, we dropped off Ashley at her house, and Lisa and I just cruised around Oxnard trying to hit up people, but no one was down to chill. wackasses! We ended up at the new neighborhood right next to seabridge. I found a car that was a white Infiniti G20 for $1,900. It was decent! I called the number on the car, and the guy said it had 140kmiles on it already. I showed my dad after Lisa dropped me off home and after picking up Kristine. He wants me to pick a better nicer looking car. My mom wasnt down for the car because she doesnt want me calling triple A everyday if I end up buying it.
sweet tart
Monday, February 16, 2009
So the talent show auditions are coming up, and Aly wants me to sing with her. I'm hesitant about it because I cant really sing as well as her and I dont wanna crack or make a fool out of myself how bad I can sing. Recently, Jesus asked me to sing backup vocals for him too! So maybe I just really need to practice because the talent show is next week!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
four day good life
Friday, February 13, 2009
been great.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
stressin, depressin
Whatever happened to the positive optimistic Hayle. Recently, Ive been hating myself for stressing out on stupid things. I have no clue why. I guess I'm just afraid of the future. Im afraid of the world ending soon, and I hope it doesnt. Thinking about it gets in the way of alot of things. It makes me think alot. If the world ends then what about all the goals I planned to in life. I want to accomplish everything I dream of before I die. I don't know why Ive been thinking this way lately. I really hate it. Its like I'm scaring myself but I try so hard not to. I recently scared myself more because my mom had a falling teeth dream. Its a superstition of somethin bad happening to someone, a family member or close friend will become very ill or pass away and that really scared the fuck out of me. I stressed myself out that whole day so much, I started smelling cigarettes out of nowhere. I was seriously tripping out. I read online smelling something like that was a sign of anxiety and stress. It stopped once I got to work. Even car rides get me nervous now- not even car rides, but going out gets me nervous. Im seriously being too cautious. And just today, Joseph told me he had a teeth dream. This is really starting to freak me out. and when I dont have shit to do at home I tend to think of death and I dont want to. I really need to stop thinking about all this nonsense. I need friends. Its sad, I feel like I dont anymore. I dont even go out or do shit because no one ever calls or texts me anymore. siiggh I just need someone to talk to really. Someone who can break my daily routine. I really miss being busy and having plans everyday of my life, unfortunately i dont anymore. I wish I could be busy so then I wouldnt have to be thinking of death all the time.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
back to dancing
Saturday, January 31, 2009
just a paint scratch
Thursday, January 29, 2009
random shmandom
Anyways today was a typical day at school nothing special. After school was fun though. Kevin picked me up, and we cooked pancakes then played video games. He got mad at me because everytime the zombies would start eating me up he'd have to save me but he'd end up dying cuz the zombies start eating him up too so we just stopped. We got super hungry kinds so we went to Taco Bell and bought some nachoes and frutista. We're fucking fat. We went through the drive thru twice to get more nachos, but he knocked my nachos over and it spilled in the car. Afterwards, we got food coma and fell asleep in the Taco Bell parking lot.
OH! i finally found my green Volcom wallet! Thank you JT! It's been missing ever since Black Friday. I had been accusing the wrong people and searching at the wrong places when it had to be where I least expected it to be- American Apparel. It feels good to have my wallet back. Half of my life is in there.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
it means vagina
so true. I'm never satisfied. maybe thats why i'm broke. what can I say, Libra's enjoy the finer things in life.
speaking of being a Libra..
You are happy go lucky, a social butterfly, a diplomat and indecisive. It's almost as if you float through life and your popularity, glamor and generally kind, helpful and fun loving attitude brings you luck and leads you on your path through life. You do not like making decisions, you want a little of everything. You want everyone to be happy, never any arguments or problems and live happily ever after. In order to achieve peace, you stay with what you like and avoid what you don't.
Libra is represented by the scales. You will balance the pros and cons of everything, this is why you are so indecisive. You look at both sides of everything and you see that there is both good and bad, and instead of making a decision, you will sit on the fence.
You are deeply sensitive and you assume that other people are too. You hate rejection and you avoid rejecting anybody at all costs. You don't want to lose your fan base, yes, Libra you love to have followers.
You need to have a steady partner, either a boyfriend/girlfriend or a close friend that you spend every waking second with. You want to form a close relationship of sharing and trust, you want someone to share your emotions with. You will do everything to balance the relationship and make it work, it is sort of like your 'project'. Unfortunately, you are so attached that you will stay in an unhealthy relationship and try to make it work. Problems might arise again because you are a natural charmer, a natural flirt. You are the perfect companion for the right person.
Libra sign loves love and the finer things in life
You are the ultimate romantic. You love affection, even with your friends you hug them and give them gifts. You love to receive gifts too, you are very materialistic but not in the way that a Taurus is materialistic, you need your possessions because you love lavish surroundings, beauty and detail. You are happy when you surround yourself with pretty things. You treat your possessions like friends too, almost as if you were forming relationships with them. Libra is the sign of relationships, sharing and caring. Diplomatic, loving, kind and sentimental, you are optimistic and love to give attention as long as you get attention, once again, it's all about balance. Strike the perfect balance and live happily ever after.Face life head on, put yourself first and try not to be so indecisive and life will be smooth and happy like you want it to be!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
whispering eye
Dear fisheye, I miss you dearly. For all the memories that you helped me take. For all the pictures that you flashed for my keepsake. I miss you. I'm sorry for the scratches you got on your precious white skin. I promise I'll take care of you once you work again. We'll be best friends forever and I wont lose you never. I won't take you for granted because you know how much you mean to me.You were once a present, now my past but why cant you be the future to guide me though the path. Ill replace your batteries just to show flattery or maybe store you with film if thats not enough. But pleaaaase work again because I need your eye and even though, I hope you didn't say goodbye.
rest of the photos:

Today was tiring. I woke up early in the morning to get the car and go to Crowne Plaza to help set-up for Senior Ball. I took the freeway the 3rd time today. Although, it was rather scary. This putalady didn't even have enough space to merge into my lane because she was so close to me, and she still signaled so I got scared, and tried switching lanes, but then another car was right there, so the whole time I was going really fast I was swerving not knowing what to do. I was in between the two lanes kind of, but the other car cooperated-thank God or else I could have gotten in my first accident. The view at where Senior Ball is being held at is beautiful. Now that I'm at home bored out of my mind, I wish me and Kevz ended up going. I'm pretty sure we wouldve ended up having a blast, plus the after party at the penthouse. OH WELL! sadies and prom yo. After setting up, I was heading to the thriftstores down Main Street since I dont have money to shop now, but my key wouldnt come out of the ignition so I had to go to a random tire place and ask this guy to take it out for me. Afterwards, I continued my journey, and ended up just buying a belt for a dollar. For some odd reason tho, I get itchy every time i go into thrift stores.
Anyways! the movie Paul Blart:Mall Cop is hilarious. I recommend everyone to watch it.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
new driver
goodnight world.
Monday, January 19, 2009
happy birthday kevin

Dalai Lama
Good morning. I finally got my phone back to normal again! Covering your phone with rice really does work. Learn from the experienced.
Happy Birthday 18th Kevin Tanghal! I hope you pass you drivers test! Your fried wontons were delish!
toilet water
Oh and my day was okay, kind of boring, but whatever. I bought my boyfriend cans and cans of hearty soup since he was sick, and I went to go visit him and heat him up some good ol' clam chowder soup, which was bomb by the way. It's pretty cool having to drive now.